Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mantra Deck update

The Art in Soul Mantra Cards were a labor of love. The deck contains two separate sets. One is designed as oracle cards, where you shuffle, pull a card at random, and allow your intuitive side to uncover messages. The second deck is a daily draw. It contains 31 cards. At the beginning of the month, shuffle the deck and lay it face down. Each day, pull one card, read the message and the mantra. Meditate upon the meaning and recite the mantra over and over until you feel it become a part of you. This card is from the Oracle set and is the Wisdom card. It says I am connecting to the wisdom of the ancient ones. When I meditate upon this card, I feel the message is letting me know that I am not alone and that I am surrounded by deep wisdom. If I listen carefully, this wisdom is something that has been passed from generation to generation and I can tap into it at anytime. It is the wisdom of my gut knowing that guides me and protects me. We are born with all that we need, and all that is sacred and secret is found within. If you are interested in my Art In Soul Mantra Cards, I have a signed set available though my etsy store at…/mantra-cards-oracle-cards-by-art-in-…

The card below is from the daily draw set.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Art In Soul Mantra Cards Launch!!! UPDATE!!!

The Art In Soul Mantra Cards will publicly launch tonight (7pm est), but are available for purchase NOW though gamecrafter @  These cards are not signed by me.  I will be offering signed copies in my etsy store in a few weeks. Please, be aware that printing times vary and I have no control over how soon your item will print and ship.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Art In Soul Mantra Deck Launch!!

The Art In Soul Mantra deck will officially launch tomorrow 7/18 at 5pm est!!! Here is a sneak peek of the finished cards.  They may be ordered via this link  I will also be ordering a handful of boxes and will make those available via my etsy store.  Those will be signed.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Coming soon!!! Art In Soul Mantra Cards!!

I'm so excited to announce that my first Mantra/Oracle card set will be available for purchase very soon through Gamecrafter. I've been working very hard on this for quite some time and I know you will all love it. It contains 62 cards in two different set styles. The first set of 31 cards may be used as in a daily draw and features artwork, mantras and inspirational words of wisdom. The second set of 31 cards are more simple and designed like an oracle set. These cards feature mantras and artwork, from which you may use your intuition for guidance on the card message. There is no need for a booklet. The cards come in a beautiful box and are jumbo sized!!! As soon as a proof the first copy, they will be available for purchase at the link below. Please click on the link to see some of the features.  Below are examples of the two different styles.  You can view more at the link above.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Mandala Art

I've always loved Mandala Art but never felt confident enough to start creating my own.  This week, I sat down and hammered out two images.  It's much harder than I imagined, but I found the process very rewarding and I will be creating some more images.  These are the first two. The third image is the OM Mandala with Mantras and that is available in my etsy store as a print.  The first two are available on a variety of products through Redbubble.

Bee Mandala

Om Mandala