Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter's Child~Work in Progress Update

So, she is coming along.  I fooled around with a darker hood, and eventually changed it back to the way I had first envisioned it. Thank goodness I am working in acrylics.  I don't think I would have been able to do that if it was in watercolor. Note to self...always go with your first instinct.  My camera is not pulling out the color in her cheeks, which I think will be fine once the piece is finished and scanned. Now to work on the rest of the piece.

Winter's Child
Trisha Leigh Shufelt Art 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Winter's Child~Work in Progress Update

Today's work in progress (WIP) update on Winter's Child.  
Still much to do, but she is starting to come together.  

Trisha Leigh Shufelt Art (c) 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Work in Progress~Winter's Child

I'm working on a new piece that I'm very excited about.  It's called Winter's Child.  Sulamith Wulfing is one of my favorite artists and I would like to say that she has influenced this piece.

This is a sneak peak at the WIP.  I'm hoping to complete it over the holidays.

Winter's Child
(c) Trisha Leigh Shufelt Art.


Thank you!!!

A big thank you to all of you who like and share my blog posts.  We've turned the 1,000 view mark and I am so honored.  Thank you for allowing me to share my intuition and art with you.  Thank you for being here.  I truly am grateful.  Blessings!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Original Art

I now have my Angel of Silences Original Painting posted for sale, as well as other pieces.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Angel of Silences

Since this the week for Angels, I decided to paint one.  It has been almost a year since my last angel and I wanted to do something very different in style from my usual work.  I sat for a long time and meditated on this one.  I asked if any angels, guides or elementals wished to be painted.  After a while, I saw her face.  She looked terribly sad, but as I began to paint her, I realized she is the deepest part of us.  She is the one that comes to us when we are fearful and in our darkest shadow; when we cannot find the words to say how we feel.  She comes to wrap her dark wings around us and remind us that even in the darkest of times, light still exists.  All we have to do is call upon her.  She is the Angel of Silences.

Angel of Silences

(c) 2014 Trisha Leigh Shufelt ART

She is now available in my etsy store. https://www.etsy.com/listing/214783264/original-painting-angel-acrylic-angel-of?ref=shop_home_active_1

Title inspired by the Counting Crows Song (Angel of Silences)

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I am a dreamer.  All my life, I have experienced very vivid, lucid, and at times odd dreams.  I've had flying dreams, falling dreams, drowning dreams, dreams about animals, houses, bridges, death and birth.  I've had dreams about relatives who have crossed over. I've even had out of body experiences. I believe in dreams, and feel it is our way of coping with what is in the past, present, and what is to come.  Recently, my dreams have become very symbolic of what is going on in my present life.  The other night, I had a dream that I was crafting swords.  I immediately felt as though I would be going into battle.

Hidden Realms Tarot by Julia Jeffrey & Barbara Moore

Last night, I had a dream that I was driving over a bridge.

Bridge dreams are extremely fascinating to me, because I  have them often.  In real life, I am actually terrified of bridges.  I hate crossing bridges over water, and will make my husband plot routes way out of our way to avoid as many bridges as possible.  I have many phobias, and this is a big one.  In many of my dreams, I am a passenger, in the back seat, and someone else is driving.  This someone is usually a male relative or significant other (Frued would love that one). Well, most of us can interpret this one pretty easily.  The dreams never end well, and the car often goes off the bridge and plunges into deep water.  I hate those dreams, and know they represent overwhelming emotions and a feeling of being out of control.  The dream I had last night was very different. In this dream, I was driving (this in and of itself is mind blowing to me, because I am never driving) .  No one was in the car with me and yet, I could hear a voice talking to me.  I was driving through an unknown town trying to find the highway to get home.  I make the turn to get on the highway, go over a hill, and suddenly, I am on a very thin bridge over water.  In my mind, I thought, oh great, another bridge dream!  Unlike the picture above, I could see water on either side, which was very placid.  The bridge began as a hill, shot downward, went very long, and at times disappeared under the water to reappear a few feet away.  It did not have railings, which gave the appearance that one could fly off at any moment.  I could not see to the other side of the bridge. Now here comes the interesting part.  I am driving very fast.  I begin to approach the areas of the bridge where it dips under the water, and I hear the voice in the car say, just keep going.  I cross over the water (not under) and reach the resurfaced bridge several feet away.  I see light on the opposite side, but cannot seem to reach it.  I ask where is the other side, and I suddenly wake up.  Now, how did I feel as I was crossing this bridge?  Initially, I was extremely afraid.  I always am.  However, suddenly, I felt strangely calm...like, I got this.

I am going though something right now.  There is an unknown quality about it all and I am afraid.  I also feel, I've got the will to handle whatever it is.  This dream is very symbolic of this situation. Only time will tell whether I reach the other side.  At least I know, I am in the drivers seat.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How cool is this!

I am usually the one painting images of other people, but recently, a very talented artist friend, Laura Wibbeler Macy asked if she could paint an image of me from a profile picture I had posted on FB. The picture was one my husband took of me many years ago.  This is the photo below.  I believe this was my costume for my first Faeriecon ball way back in 2007.

This is the gorgeous painting that Laura created from that image!

I am absolutely humbled and honored...and yes, my ego is a bit chuffed.  I feel like a Renaissance muse.  You can check out all of Laura's beautiful artwork at https://www.etsy.com/shop/lauramacy?ref=fp_item&aref=19050140105.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


My little obsession.

What started out as a couple of decks is growing in leaps and bounds.  I began collecting tarot and oracle decks several years ago, because as an artist, I admired the art.  My very first deck was by Brian Froud's, The Faerie's Oracle.

Back then, I hadn't a clue how to use oracle decks and was incredibly intimidated by Tarot.  Today, I read from both and enjoy it immensely.  I consider myself empathic and intuitive, and feel this has as much to do with being an artist, as it is inherent within each one of us.  Tapping into that ability takes time and a lot of quieting within the Soul.  I would never consider myself clairvoyant or psychic, although, through meditation, some interesting channels are opening.   My decks range from angel and faerie, to Zen and esoteric.  I have several commercial decks, but I am finding a love for the rare and one of a kind decks by various artists on etsy.  I've got several booked marked for purchase at some point in time.  They are a bit more expensive, but well worth the price.  This is a deck Voodoodollys on Etsy.  The images are wickedly warped, but I am drawn to the artistry. https://www.etsy.com/listing/209949030/bambolanera-big-tarot-this-is-number-13?ref=favs_view_8

I also started a small FB group about 4 months ago.  It evolved from my personal page where I had been posting weekly oracle card updates for many months.  I thought it was a safe and good way to dip my toe into the Realm of readings and explore my intuition.  I've had wonderful feedback thus far, and I see it evolving into something more substantial down the road. Only time will tell...One of my ultimate goals is to create my own set of oracle and tarot cards.  I have a body of work that would work well for oracle cards, but I feel it important to create something new around a theme.  I haven't decided just yet what that will be.  Perhaps the cards will tell me ;).

In the meantime, the deck collection is growing.  My favorite tarot deck is the Tarot of the Hidden Realms by Barbara Moore (writer) and Julia Jeffrey (artist).

Julia is one of my very favorite artists, and I felt an instant connection with her deck.  The images are beautiful and enchanting.  Barbara Moore's connection to Julia's art is wonderful.  I've not narrowed down a favorite oracle deck just yet, but I do love the Kuan Yin Oracle for its beauty and deeper meanings.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

New Auctions on ebay

I just posted a slew of original art and sculptures on ebay.  Auctions end this Sunday.  This is just one of the original mixed media items up for grabs.  Seasons of the Elk (c) 2014.  http://www.ebay.com/sch/inner*fae*creations/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=

Holiday Sale

Shop small business and support ART.  I'm running a 20% off coupon now through December 13th. Use coupon code HOLIDAY2014 upon checkout. https://www.etsy.com/shop/TrishaLeighART?ref=hdr

Back in the blogging saddle again

Well, I'm back to blogging.  I've tried over the years to blog and was never any good at it.  I'm hoping this time will be different.  What will you see from me?  Well, you can expect art.  I've been a professional artist and sculptor since 2004.  I am also a Master Reiki Practitioner.  I love painting and work in a variety of mediums, while exploring the feminine in nature.  I also love tarot and oracle cards.  I've been dabbling in readings over the past year and have a face book group for this type of thing, but plan to post my weekly oracle card readings here as well.  I hope you enjoy my art and readings.  Namaste!!